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S. Douglas Pugh is Associate Dean, Academic Affairs and Research, and Professor of Management. Previously he served as Interim Dean of the VCU School of Business (2021-2022) and Chair of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship (2013-2021). Prior to joining VCU he held faculty positions at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and San Diego State University. He received his Ph.D. degree in organizational behavior from Tulane University’s A.B. Freeman School of Business, and his B.A. in psychology from the College of William and Mary. Dr. Pugh's research focuses on organizational climate in service organizations, the emotional labor demands of service work, and the inter-organizational drivers of customer satisfaction. His research has been cited more than 8000 times and he has published his research in outlets including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, the Journal of Service Research, and the Journal of Business Ethics. He has served as associate editor at the Journal of Business and Psychology and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Management, Academy of Management Journal, and Personnel Psychology. Dr. Pugh conducts training in the areas of negotiation, conflict management, and leadership development.
Published Intellectual Contributions
Book Chapter
- Pugh, S. D., Diefendorff, J., Moran, C. (2013). Emotional Labor: Organization-level influences, strategies, and outcomes. In Emotional Labor in the 21st Century: Diverse Perspectives on Emotion Regulation at Work. Psychology Press/Routledge.
- Bowen, D. E., Pugh, S. D. (2009). Linking human resource management and customer outcomes. (pp.502). The Routledge companion to strategic human resource management.
- Pugh, S. D. (2002). Emotional regulation in individuals and dyads: Causes, costs, and consequences. (vol. 147, pp.182). Emotions in the workplace: Understanding the structure and role of emotions in organizational behavior.
Journal Article
- Cortina, J., Kohler, T., Keeler, K., Pugh, S. D. (2022). Situation strength as a basis for interactions in psychological models. (vol. 27, pp.212). Psychological Methods.
- Pugh, S. D., Groth, M. (2020). Why Emotions Matter to the Practice of Management: Lessons Learned from the Services Research Literature. (3 ed., vol. 49, pp.1-11). Organizational Dynamics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2019.04.004
- Pugh, S. D., Subramony, M. (2016). Taking services seriously: New directions in services management theory and research. (1 ed., vol. 26, pp.1-3). Human Resource Management Review. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2015.09.001
- Subramoney, M., Pugh, S. D. (2015). Services management research: Review, Integration,and Future Directions. (vol. 41, pp.349-373). Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1177/0149206314557158
- Carson, M., Shanock, L., Heggestad, E., Andrew, A., Pugh, S. D., Walter, M. (2012). The relationship between dysfunctional interpersonal tendencies, derailment potential behavior, and turnover. (vol. 27, pp.291-304). Journal of Business and Psychology.
- Grandey, A., Goldberg, L., Pugh, S. D. (2011). Why and When Do Stores with Satisfied Employees Have Satisfied Customers? The Roles of Service Responsiveness and Store Busyness. (4 ed., vol. 14, pp.397-409). Journal of Service Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1094670511410304
- Pugh, S. D., Groth, M., Hennig-Thurau, T. (2011). Willing and Able to Fake Emotions: A Closer Examination of the Link Between Emotional Dissonance and Employee Well-Being. (vol. 96, pp.377-390). Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Allen, J. A., Pugh, S. D., Grandey, A. A., Groth, M. (2010). Following display rules in good or bad faith?: Customer orientation as a moderator of the display rule-emotional labor relationship. (2 ed., vol. 23, pp.101--115). Human Performance.
- Pugh, S. D., Dietz, J., others, (2008). Employee engagement at the organizational level of analysis. (1 ed., vol. 1, pp.44--47). Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
- Pugh, S. D., Dietz, J., Brief, A. P., Wiley, J. W. (2008). Looking inside and out: the impact of employee and community demographic composition on organizational diversity climate.. (6 ed., vol. 93, pp.1422). Journal of applied psychology.
- Skarlicki, D. P., Barclay, L. J., Pugh, S. D. (2008). When explanations for layoffs are not enough: Employer's integrity as a moderator of the relationship between informational justice and retaliation. (1 ed., vol. 81, pp.123--146). Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
- Barclay, L. J., Skarlicki, D. P., Pugh, S. D. (2005). Exploring the role of emotions in injustice perceptions and retaliation.. (4 ed., vol. 90, pp.629). Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Dietz, J., Pugh, S. D. (2004). I say tomato, you say domate: Differential reactions to English-only workplace policies by persons from immigrant and non-immigrantfamilies. (4 ed., vol. 52, pp.365--379). Journal of Business Ethics.
- Dietz, J., Pugh, S. D., Wiley, J. W. (2004). Service climate effects on customer attitudes: An examination of boundary conditions. (1 ed., vol. 47, pp.81--92). Academy of Management Journal.
- Pugh, S. D., Skarlicki, D. P., Passell, B. S. (2003). After the fall: Layoff victims' trust and cynicism in re-employment. (2 ed., vol. 76, pp.201--212). Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
- Pugh, S. D., Dietz, J., Wiley, J. W., Brooks, S. M. (2002). Driving service effectiveness through employee-customer linkages. (4 ed., vol. 16, pp.73--84). The Academy of Management Executive.
- Pugh, S. D. (2001). Service with a smile: Emotional contagion in the service encounter. (5 ed., vol. 44, pp.1018--1027). Academy of management journal.
- Brief, A. P., Dietz, J., Cohen, R. R., Pugh, S. D., Vaslow, J. B. (2000). Just doing business: Modern racism and obedience to authority as explanations for employment discrimination. (1 ed., vol. 81, pp.72--97). Organizational behavior and human decision processes.
- Brief, A. P., Buttram, R. T., Reizenstein, R. M., Pugh, S. D., Callahan, J. D., McCline, R. L., Vaslow, J. B. (1997). Beyond good intentions: The next steps toward racial equality in the American workplace. (pp.59--72). The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005).