- Snead Hall
- 301 W. Main Street
- Box 844000
- Richmond, VA, 23284-4000
- Office: B4207
- Research Methods (SEM, fsQCA, Experimental Design, Qualitative Methods, and Mixed-Methods)
Business Intelligence: Visual Analytics and Storytelling
Digital Innovation and Transformation: AI Strategies for Business Managers
Cybersecurity Controls and Auditing
Project Management (PMBOK and Agile)
- AI-Driven Digital Transformations (AI Automation, AI-Powered Service Robots, Human-AI Interaction)
Responsible AI (XAI Affordances, XAI Impacts on AI-Driven Individual and Social Biases)
IT Strategies and Dynamic Capabilities (IT Ambidexterity, Agility, Digital Competitive Dynamics)
Digital Technologies for Crisis Management
One-Ki Daniel Lee is an Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems at the Virginia Commonwealth University. His research interests include organizational IT strategies and dynamic capabilities, AI-driven digital transformations (AI automation and AI-powered cognitive applications), and responsible AI. His work has appeared in leading IS journals such as Information Systems Research, Information & Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Communications of the ACM. He is currently a Senior Editor of Information Technology & People and an Associate Editor of Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, and Industrial Management & Data Systems. He also serves several other journals and conferences in various capacities such as an Associate Editor, Guest Editor, or Track Chair. He received his Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kong and his Master’s degree from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology.