Headshot of Bruce Huhmann

Bruce Huhmann

Department Chair

Area: Marketing


  • Ethical Decision-Making
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Health/Financial Welfare


  • Ethical Decision Making, Marketing Analytics, Retailing, Consumer Behavior, and Social Media/E-Commerce.
  • Advertising executions and information, Fashion promotion, Financial literacy, Nutrition and food marketing, Healthcare and pharmaceutical marketing, Consumer welfare in health and financial services.

Bruce A. Huhmann received his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Alabama in 1999. Before joining the faculty of the School of Business at Virginia Commonwealth University, he was Wells Fargo Professor of Marketing and Director of the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at New Mexico State University. His research has appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Marketing Communications, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and several other journals and scholarly books.


Teaching Experience
  • MKTG 301: MARKETING PRINCIPLES, 2 courses.
  • MKTG 315: BUYER BEHAVIOR, 2 courses.
  • MKTG 448: DIGITAL MARKETING, 1 course.
  • MKTG 491: CUSTOMER ANALYTICS, 2 courses.
  • MKTG 491: ETHICS IN BUSINESS, 2 courses.
  • MKTG 492: BRAND MANAGEMENT, 1 course.
  • MKTG 492: DIGITAL ANALYTICS, 2 courses.
  • MKTG 492: SALES & MARKET PLANNING, 1 course.
  • MKTG 672: CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 1 course.


Published Intellectual Contributions
Book Chapter
  • Huhmann, B. A., Limbu, Y. B. (2020). Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Advertising Offensiveness and Attitude Toward Advertising in General. In Zotos Y., Grau S., & Taylor C. R. (Eds.), Current Research on Gender Issues in Advertising (1st ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2018). Rhetorical Figures: The Case of Advertising. In Heath R. L., & Ihlen O. (Eds.), The Handbook of Organizational Rhetoric and Communication (pp.229-244). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Albinsson, P. A., Huhmann, B. A., Burman, B. (2018). The Use of Rhetoric and Emotional Appeals in Fitness Ads. In Boundary Blurred: A Seamless Customer Experience in Virtual and Real Spaces (vol. XXXVIII, pp.361-362).
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2014). Social and Psychological Influences on Financial Literacy. In Harrison T., & Estelami H. (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Financial Services Marketing (pp.45--61). Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Argo, J. J. (2011). Gender Role and Social Power in African and North American Advertisements. In Alozie E. C. (Ed.), Advertising in Developing and Emerging Countries: The Economic, Political and Social Context (pp.271-285). Burlington, VT: Gower.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2007). A Model of the Cognitive and Emotional Processing of Rhetorical Works in Advertising. In McQuarrie E. F., & Phillips B. J. (Eds.), Go Figure: New Directions in Advertising Rhetoric (pp.133-175). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2003). Testing Methods. In McDonough J., & Egolf K. (Eds.), The Advertising Age Encyclopedia of Advertising (pp.1524-1529). New York, NY: Fitzroy Dearborn.
Journal Article
  • Albinsson, P. A., Huhmann, B. A., Burman, B. (in press). How Allusion Enhances Consumer Response to Hope Appeals in Health Messaging.
  • Limbu, Y. B., Huhmann, B. A. (2024). Message Effectiveness of Fear Appeals in Vaccination Communication Campaigns: A Systematic Review. (vol. 12 (6), pp.653). Vaccines.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Limbu, Y. B. (2024). Fair Balance of Prescription Drug Information on Legitimate and Illegitimate Online Pharmacy Websites. (vol. 12). Pharmacy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmacy12020067
  • Limbu, Y. B., Huhmann, B. A. (2024). What Influences Consumers’ Online Medication Purchase Intentions and Behavior? A Scoping Review. (vol. 15). Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2024.1356059
  • Limbu, Y., Huhmann, B. A. (2023). Illicit Online Pharmacies: A Scoping Review. (vol. 20). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20095748
  • Limbu, Y., Huhmann, B. A. (2023). Why Some People are Hesitant to Receive COVID-19 Boosters? A Systematic Review. (vol. 8, pp.159-171). Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/tropicalmed8030159
  • Limbu, Y., Huhmann, B. A. (2023). Online but Unlawful Sales of Unapproved and Misbranded Prescription Drugs: Internet Pharmacy Compliance with Food and Drug Administration Warning Letters. (vol. 57, pp.1015-1038). Journal of Consumer Affairs. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12515
  • Mohan, M., Ferguson, J. L., Huhmann, B. A. (2022). Endorser Gender and Age Effects in B2B Advertising. (September ed., vol. 148, pp.60-75). Journal of Business Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.04.050
  • Huhmann, B. A., Limbu, Y. B. (2022). Ethical Issues in Pharmaceutical Marketing: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. (vol. 35, pp.1-20). Journal of Global Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/08911762.2021.1949084
  • Kostyk, A., Huhmann, B. A. (2021). Perfect Social Media Image Posts: Symmetry and Contrast Influence Consumer Response. (vol. 55, pp.1747-1779). European Journal of Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/EJM-09-2018-0629
  • Lee, T., Huhmann, B. A., Yun , T. (2020). Readability of Korean-Language Advertising Disclosures Moderates Knowledge Effects. (vol. 38, pp.1421-1440). International Journal of Bank Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/IJBM-03-2020-0090
  • Huhmann, B. A., Limbu, Y. B. (2020). Creative Advertising Executions Encourage the Processing Advantages of Product Familiarity. (2 ed., vol. 41, pp.206-228). Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/10641734.2020.1726842
  • Myers, S. D., Deitz, G. D., Huhmann, B. A., Jha, S., Tatara, J. H. (2020). An Eye-Tracking Study of Attention to Brand-Identifying Content and Recall of Taboo Advertising. (vol. 111, pp.176-186). Journal of Business Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.08.009
  • Jiang, J., Huhmann, B. A., Hyman, M. R. (2019). Emerging Masculinities in Chinese Luxury Social Media Marketing. (vol. 32, pp.721-745.). Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. DOI: 10.1108/APJML-07-2018-0256
  • Huhmann, B. A., Albinsson, P. A. (2019). Assessing the Usefulness of Taxonomies of Visual Rhetorical Figures. (vol. 40 No. 2, pp.171-195). Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/10641734.2018.1503106
  • Zarzosa, J., Huhmann, B. A. (2019). Measures of Aesthetic Dimensions and Reactions in Advertising. (vol. 38 No. 2, pp.258-275). International Journal of Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2018.1442632
  • Taillon, B. J., Huhmann, B. A. (2019). Strategic Consequences of Self-Service Technology Evaluation. (vol. 27 , pp. 268-279). Journal of Strategic Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2017.1411387
  • Good, M. C., Huhmann, B. A. (2018). Social Relationships and Social Anxiety Appeals in Direct-to-Consumer Advertising. (vol. 24, pp.393-411). Journal of Marketing Communications. DOI: doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2018.1432499
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2017). Literacy Matters in Marketing. (vol. 35, pp.750-760). International Journal of Bank Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/IJBM-12-2016-0188
  • Huhmann, B. A., Limbu, Y. B. (2016). Content and Compliance of Pharmaceutical Social Media Marketing. (vol. 34, pp.977-999). Marketing Intelligence & Planning. DOI: 10.1108/MIP-06-2015-0124
  • Huhmann, B. A., Limbu, Y. B. (2016). Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Advertising Offensiveness and Attitude toward Advertising in General. (vol. 35, pp.846-863). International Journal of Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2016.1157912
  • Bhattacharyya, N., Huhmann, B. A., Samu, S. (2015). Risk Perceptions of Mutual Funds-Evidence from an Experimental Approach. (vol. 13, pp.40-53). Journal of Finance Issues.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Conner, S. L. (2014). Promoting Business Ethics through Annual Reports. (vol. 19, pp.17-28). Journal of Financial Services Marketing.
  • Payne, C. R., Hyman, M. R., Niculescu, M., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Anthropomorphic Responses to New-to-Market Logos. (vol. 29, pp.122-140). Journal of Marketing Management. DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2013.770413
  • Huhmann, B. A., Albinsson, P. A. (2012). Does Rhetoric Impact Advertising Effectiveness with Liking Controlled?. In Lee N. (Ed.), (vol. 46, pp.1476 - 1500). European Journal of Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/03090561211259943
  • Limbu, Y. B., Huhmann, B. A., Xu, B. (2012). Are College Students at Greater Risk of Credit Card Abuse? Age, Gender, Materialism, and Parental Influence on Consumer Response to Credit Cards. In Harrison T. (Ed.), (vol. 7 No. 2, pp.148-162). Journal of Financial Service Marketing.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Franke, G. R., Mothersbaugh, D. L. (2012). Print Advertising: Executional Factors and the RPB Grid. In Rossiter J. J. (Ed.), (vol. 65, pp.849–854). Journal of Business Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.01.006
  • Limbu, Y. B., Huhmann, B. A., Peterson, R. T. (2012). An Examination of Humor and Endorser Effects on Consumers' Responses to Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: The Moderating Role of Product Involvement. (vol. 6, pp.23-38). International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. DOI: 10.1108/17506121211216888
  • McKay-Nesbitt, J., Manchanda, R. V., Smith, M. C., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Effects of Age, Need for Cognition, and Affective Intensity on Advertising Effectiveness. (vol. 64, pp.12-17). Journal of Business Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2009.09.013
  • Taute, H. A., Huhmann, B. A., Thakur, R. (2010). Emotional Information Management: Concept Development and Measurement in Public Service Announcements. In Nataraajan R. (Ed.), (vol. 27, pp.417-444). Psychology & Marketing. DOI: 10.1002/mar.20337
  • Huhmann, B. A., McQuitty, S. (2009). A Model of Consumer Financial Numeracy. In Farquhar J. (Ed.), (vol. 27, pp.270-293). International Journal of Bank Marketing.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Mott-Stenerson, B. (2008). Controversial Ad Executions and Involvement on Elaborative Processing and Comprehension. In Erdogan B. Z. (Ed.), (vol. 14, pp.293-313). Journal of Marketing Communications.
  • Hassan, T., Marchessault, G., Campbell, M., Huhmann, B. A. (2007). Frequency of Dietary Calcium and Body Weight Messages in Two Canadian Women’s Magazines. (vol. 68, pp.103-106). Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Saqib, N. (2007). Effects of Changing Public Policies of Cultural Protectionism on Sources of Cultural Identity and Consumer Information. (vol. 26, pp.75-88). Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.
  • Hu, J., Huhmann, B. A., Hyman, M. R. (2007). The Relationship between Task Complexity and Information Search: The Role of Self-Efficacy. In Nataraajan R. (Ed.), (3 ed., vol. 24, pp.253-270). Wiley: Hoboken, NJ: Psychology & Marketing. DOI: 10.1002/mar.20160
  • Huhmann, B. A., Bhattacharyya , N. (2005). Does Mutual Fund Advertising Provide Necessary Investment Information?. In Ennew C. (Ed.), (vol. 23 , pp.296-313). International Journal of Bank Marketing.
  • Hassan, T., Marchessault, G., Campbell, M., Huhmann, B. A. (2005). Content and Thematic Analysis of Calcium and Weight Messages in Canadian Women’s Magazines. (Summer ed., vol. 66, pp.S125-S126). Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research.
  • Main, . J., Argo, J. J., Huhmann, B. A. (2004). Pharmaceutical Advertising in the USA: Information or Influence?. In West D. (Ed.), (vol. 23, pp.119-141). International Journal of Advertising.
  • Franke, G. R., Huhmann, B. A., Mothersbaugh , D. L. (2004). Information Content and Consumer Readership of Print Ads: A Comparison of Search and Experience Products. In Zinkhan G. (Ed.), (vol. 32, pp.20-31). Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2003). Visual Complexity in Banner Ads: The Role of Color, Photography, and Animation. In Newton J. H. (Ed.), (vol. 10, pp.10-17). Visual Communication Quarterly.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Mothersbaugh, D. L., Franke , G. R. (2002). Rhetorical Figures in Headings and Their Effect on Text Processing: The Moderating Role of Information Relevance and Text Length. In Campbell K. S. (Ed.), (vol. 45, pp.157-169). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication.
  • Mothersbaugh, D. L., Huhmann, B. A., Franke , G. R. (2002). Combinatory and Separative Effects of Rhetorical Figures on Consumers’ Effort and Focus in Ad Processing. In Mick D. G. (Ed.), (vol. 28 No. 4, pp.589-602). Journal of Consumer Research.
  • Jeon, W., Franke, G. R., Huhmann, B. A., Phelps, J. (1999). Appeals in Korean Magazine Advertising: A Content Analysis and Cross-Cultural Comparison. (vol. 16, pp.249-258). Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Brotherton, T. P. (1997). A Content Analysis of Guilt Appeals in Popular Magazine Advertisements. In Carlson L. (Ed.), (vol. 26, pp.35-45). Journal of Advertising.
  • Motes, W. H., Huhmann, B. A., Hill, C. J. (1995). Following the Drill: The Search for a Dentist. (vol. 15, pp.34-41). Journal of Health Care Marketing.
Magazine/Trade Publication
  • Huhmann, B. A., Biderman, P. (2015). Ethics Case: Campaign Donations, Bribery, and Corruption. In Hyman M. R. (Ed.), (vol. 13, pp.1-4). Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University Business Outlook.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2015). Gift or Graft?. In Hyman M. R. (Ed.), (vol. 13, pp.1-3). Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University Business Outlook.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2014). New Mexico Holiday Retail Sales Should Rise in 2014. In Hyman M. R. (Ed.), (vol. 12, pp.1-5). Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University Business Outlook.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Merry, But Mild: New Mexico 2013 Holiday Retail Sales Predicted to Rise 1.7%. In Hyman M. R., & Erickson C. (Eds.), (pp.1-5). Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico Business Outlook.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Public Ethics: The Salesman. In Erickson C. (Ed.), (vol. 11 No. 7). Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico Business Outlook.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2012). Glad Tidings! 4.4% Increase Predicted in New Mexico 2012 Holiday Retail Sales . In Erickson C. (Ed.), (vol. 10, pp.1-4). Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico Business Outlook.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Watch Out! 2.3% Decline Predicted in New Mexico 2011 Holiday Retail Sales. In Erickson C. (Ed.), (vol. 9 No. 10). Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico Business Outlook.
  • Huhmann, B. A. (2011). What Draws New Mexico Shoppers?. In Erickson C. (Ed.), Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico Business Outlook.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Zarzosa, J. (2010). Back-to-School. In Erickson C. (Ed.), (vol. 8 No. 10). Las Cruces NM: New Mexico Business Outlook.
  • Huhmann, B. A., Zarzosa, J. (2010). Luxury Sales Predictions for the 2010 Winter Holiday. (vol. 8 No. 10). Las Cruces: New Mexico Business Outlook.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2014). A Tale of Two Systems. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 26 No. 2, pp.8-9). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2014). The Best Candidates Money Can Buy?. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 26 No. 1). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Committing to Ethical Government. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 12, pp.8-9). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Can There Be a Stop in the Revolving Door. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 11, pp.8-9). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Taking Chances. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 10, pp.10). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Religion Decision. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 8, pp.26-27). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). ’Hidden’ Ethics Laws. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 7, pp.26-27). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). What’s Ethical? What’s Not? GCA Compliance Guide covers Ethics in Government. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 6, pp.10-11). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Advise and Consent. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 5, pp.18-19). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Ethics Developments from the 2013 Legislative Session. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 4, pp.32-33). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Counter Culture. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 3, pp.34-35). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Public Ethics and Climate Change Policy, Part 2”. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 2, pp.26-27). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2013). Public Ethics and Climate Change Policy, Part 1. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 25 No. 1, pp.8-9). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). The Case for a State Ethics Commission. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 12, pp.8-9). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). Republican Party v. NM Taxation and Revenue Dept.: Reaffirming Open Government as a Cornerstone of Democracy. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 11, pp.22-23). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). Friends to the End. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 10, pp.32-33). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). E-thics. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 8, pp.2). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). Even Steven. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 7, pp.12-13). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). Blackie's Blackout. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 6, pp.38-39). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). The Road to the Statehouse - or the Big House. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 5, pp.14-15). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A., Herndon, P. (2012). Traveling for Fun and Profit. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 4, pp.32-33). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). You be the Judge. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 3, pp.28-29). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). Pro se and Cons. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 2, pp.30-31). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2012). Abusing Isn’t Amusing. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 24 No. 1, pp.32). Santa Fe NM: ’Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Doing the Right Thing: Seving the Public Ethically. Downfall of a Public Official. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 11, pp.10-11). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Ethical Misconduct by Elected Officials, and How it Impacts the Public: Downfall of a Public Official. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 10, pp.1, 8-9). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). The Eager Beaver. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 9). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). "Star" Wars. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 8). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Ethics of Employee Drug Testing and Background Checks. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 7). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Thief of Time. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 6). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Gift or Graft?. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 5, pp.1, 8-9). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Ethics in the Workplace: The Businessman. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 4, pp.1, 8-9). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). An Overly Creative Judge: Judicial Ethics. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 3). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.
  • Biderman, P., Huhmann, B. A. (2011). Contribution or Coercion?. In Iff J. E. (Ed.), (vol. 23 No. 2). Santa Fe, NM: 'Round the Roundhouse.